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Sustainability and Policies

Download the TIMB letter to the Tobacco Industry

introducing the NACS Initiative Partnered with Atlas Agri Pvt Ltd



Viable and sustainable operations, processes and behaviours mean that our stakeholders are assured of a superior product. A product that conforms to all industry standards.


We are pioneering sustainable practices for the benefit of all stakeholders across the entire value chain. This adaptive thinking and sharing mindset, we believe, will forge a better future for farmers and our partners in the many markets we plan on operating in.


We are committed to sourcing tobacco solutions that:


  • Develop the rural farming communities in which we operate. We believe in creating equal opportunities for all and encourage inclusivity.


  • Actively develop, endorse, and reward sustainable production techniques throughout the supply chain. We procure natural styles that harness the power of nature. We are committed to creating a positive impact on our environment.


  • Encourage carbon-smart agricultural practices that will reduce the impact on our environment, specifically related to air and water quality. These innovations, in time, will increase productivity and income. This uplifts farmer and community livelihoods.


  • Establish indigenous tree species woodlots through forestation. Our origins are working on techniques for improved efficiencies in curing infrastructure. 


  • Conform to all industry standards i.e. Seed integrity, HHP’s, IPM, GAP and ALP.


All Hands In




The Atlas Agri Group is proud to be an equal opportunities employer of choice who is committed to providing a safe, flexible and respectful environment for our team free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation. 


Our team treats everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect.


Our groupwide workplace discrimination and harassment policies are aimed at attracting and retaining talented individuals, creating a positive working environment in which the team can thrive. We strongly believe that diversity is good for our business because our different backgrounds help us drive innovation, accelerate growth, and lead to successful outcomes.


Supporting Actions


Atlas Agri Global and all of its subsidiaries have a zero-tolerance policy to all forms of discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation. 


All recruitment and job selection decisions are based on merit, skills and abilities of the applicant as measured against the requirements of the position. This is strictly regardless of individual characteristics.


We do not ever ask job applicants questions, or to in any other way seek information, about their personal characteristics, unless this is domonstrated to be directly relevant to a genuine requirement of the position.


We take steps to educate our team and raise awareness of appropriate workplace conduct.


We strongly encourage any of our team who believes they or another member of the team have been discriminated against, bullied, sexually harassed or victimised to immediately report such actions, without fear of victimisation, through the appropriate channels. We will always uphold the strictest confidentiality relating to such a claim.


We take all reports seriously and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken over anyone found to have committed an act of discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment or victimisation. Such disciplinary action may involve a warning (written or verbal) and in severe circumstances, appropriate reporting to the authorities accompanied with immediate termination.

Green Farm

Child Labour



Atlas Agri Global is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment supported by mutual respect and equality. Our Child Labour Policy ensures that our company and all of its subsidiaries will not practice child labour nor forced labour and prohibits the exploitation of children in any kind of operation. 


This policy is applicable for the entire group, our partners, our vendors, suppliers, contractors, or anybody we do business with. 


According to the International Labour Organization, Child Labour is “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development”. 


We also recognise, in line with the International Labour Organisation, that “not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. Children’s or adolescents’ participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as being something positive. This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home, assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays. These kinds of activities contribute to children’s development and to the welfare of their families; they provide them with skills and experience, and help to prepare them to be productive members of society during their adult life.”


Supporting Actions


Atlas Agri Global and all of its subsidiaries are committed to eliminating child labour and hence follows the practices and statements as mentioned below to enforce this policy. 


  • We are against all kinds of exploitation of children.


  • We will not do business with any organisation that practices child labour and does not uphold similar standards to our own.


  • We are ready to work with government or non-profit organisations for ending child labour practices.  


  • We are committed to the education of the communities in which we operate about the harms of child labour and we actively encourage children to join schools.


  • We educate our employees on work laws and encourage them to report child labour instances.


  • We do not hire minors under the legal age for working.


  • We prohibit all hazardous work for children under the age of 18.


  • We carry out of periodical unannounced surveys and monitoring through our field technicians based in the communities in which we operate.

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